
Outlook on Sierra Leone’s Economy and its impact on the people. How do we get to a near fulfilled life in the country.

Fractionated Telecom Operations: Tax Boom Goes Burst

Fractionated Telecom operations war for state actors is nigh. Like many private companies and entities, leading telecommunications operators, Africell and Orange, voice economic constraints with a potential to hamper effective service delivery. The duo and closely related companies reveal if the economic crisis is kept sustained, it will lead to reduce service delivery that will …

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State of The Economy: WFP Underlines Hardship

While the finance ministry, parastatals and “die-hearted” supporters across the political spectrum divert the attention of the mass away from the countries economic crisis, the world food programme (WFP) in a damning report highlights the state of Sierra Leone’s economic health with its resultant effect on livelihood across the country.