Kenema for Jesus Crusades will see, Eastern Sierra Leone shook in Spiritual Activities Rev. Morrison Peter Karmon affirms. As Jesus healed, Evangelist Bert Ngoba from the USA intends to show the miracle that still exists in God through His servants on earth in the upcoming crusade. Kenema for Jesus Crusade as it is called will be hosted in Kenema on December 1 to December 3rd at Kenema City in Eastern Sierra Leone.

The Organising team of reverends and pastors will work closely with the Kenema Council of Pentecostal Churches (KCPC) pulling on various churches, choirs, and needed other church functionaries within Eastern Sierra Leone.
As physical and spiritual preparations progress, the public is encouraged to come with the sick, demon-possessed, and all manner of spiritual challenges for effective turn-around through the healing hands of God’s power.
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