Gari-what can you do with it?
For Sierra Leone we call it Garri, farinya or fainya.
Like Bill Clinton of America, His Excellency Julius Maada Bio may have been in relationships before now but has indeed met a smarter, vocal and ambitions woman of a Madingo Tribe who is fearless at pursuing dreams and challenging territories. Born in Sierra Leone’s richest diamond district, Kono, Fatima Bio nee Jabbie, seem to have …
Do we waist Votes? Is that why the PR is here with us? Is the PR aimed at damaging the main opposition or getting all on board? Since the proclamation of the Proportional Representation (PR) system by Sierra Leone’s Electoral commissioner, Mohamed Konneh, on directives of the President in a guise consultation, the debate on …
As economic tension rises, the people express despair at the current global economic crisis radiating to Sierra Leone’s villages, towns and cities, then comes the rude awakening to the reality of the proportional representation (PR) system of voting long gossiped and now announced by the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) with consultation from the …
While the finance ministry, parastatals and “die-hearted” supporters across the political spectrum divert the attention of the mass away from the countries economic crisis, the world food programme (WFP) in a damning report highlights the state of Sierra Leone’s economic health with its resultant effect on livelihood across the country.
Voter Alienation & Voter Apathy: Signs and Symptoms for Sierra Leone’s 2023 Upcoming Elections. From the inception of democratisation in the history of Sierra Leone under the patriarchal leadership of the APC’s one party state, we have never seen political aspirants, leaders, stakeholders and sympathisers of political parties pleading with potential voters to engage in …
Voter Alienation & Voter Apathy: Signs For 2023 Elections. Read More »